Monday, October 19, 2009

In Class- Thursday, October 15

MacKenzie gave a presentation on artist Sergey Jivetin and Ashley gave a presentation on Joe Wood. If you missed the presentations, take a moment to check out the work of these two artists. Aside from having an opportunity to see the works of various contemporary practitioners of metalwork and jewelry design, these presentations have given us a wonderful opportunity to discuss various conceptual possibilities, materials, working processes, and approaches to design.

Metals I reviewed design proposals and continued to work on the container projects. There was a brief review and demonstration on soldering with two torches.

Advanced Metals had a review/ demonstration of crimping and raising and spent the remainder of the class working on the raised vessels.

For Tuesday:
Fred, Kelaine, and Kari are scheduled to give their presentations at the beginning of class.

Metals I will have a brief demonstration of bezel setting (optional) and continue work on the container project.

Advanced Metals will continue work on the raised vessels.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In Class - Tuesday, October 13

Yolanda gave a presentation on Curtis H. Arima and Hannah gave hers on Cynthia Eid. For those of you who missed class, you might take a moment to investigate the work of these two artists.

Following the presentations, Metals I discussed designs and ideas for the container project. The remainder of class was spent working on the project.

Advanced Metals had a demonstration on crimping and angle raising. This demonstration included:
  • Designing and measuring the full-size rendering for construction.
  • Using dividers in the kernel to mark and cut a disk.
  • Annealing with the rosebud tip.
  • Dividing and marking the disk.
  • Crimping the disk on a v-block with a soft cross-peen hammer.
  • Raising the disk on a T-stake with a raising hammer.

For Thursday:

Ashley, Kari, and MacKenzie will give presentations.

Metals I will have a brief discussion of designs for the Container Project and potential technical issues. Storyboards should be completed by the beginning of class. There will also be a demonstration of bezel setting (optional) and a recap of soldering with two torches. The remainder of the class will be spent working on the project.

Advanced Metals will have a discussion of designs for the Vessel Project. There will also be a second demonstration of the raising process. Be sure to complete the assigned reading and have disks cut and ready to work. The remainder of class will be spent working on the project.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Class Today

Good morning metals people. I regret that I have to cancel class for today. We will proceed, as scheduled, with presentations on Tuesday. Then there will be demonstrations for the advanced students and work time for beginning students.

Advanced students, be sure to take a look at David Huang's website for a wonderfully illustrated series on raising (the "Artprize Entry" album).